ipsvirus 发表于 2016-4-25 22:36:28


http://cache1.bioon.com/fckup/2016/4/pharmon201604222105181041.png(图片摘自www.sciencealert.com)不知道大家有没有这样的经历,一旦处于陌生的环境,比如新房子或者旅馆的时候,将会难以入睡,这被称之为"首夜效应 (first night effect)"。虽然首夜效应早已被科学家们熟知,这也是研究睡眠的专家们会考虑的一项因素:即在对志愿者的睡眠记录进行分析时通常会把第一夜的睡眠记录删除。

"在我们不清楚哪间房子安全的情况下,这一防御机制便会启动,用于检测任何可疑的事件",睡眠领域的科学家,来自布朗大学的Masako Tamaki说道,其相关研究成果发表在Cell子刊《current biology》上。








ipsvirus 发表于 2016-4-25 22:37:14

Night Watch in One Brain Hemisphere during Sleep Associated with the First-Night Effect in Humans

Masako Tamaki, Ji Won Bang2, Takeo Watanabe, Yuka Sasaki

•Interhemispheric asymmetry in sleep depth occurs for the first night in a new place
•This interhemispheric asymmetry occurs in the default-mode network
•The less-asleep hemisphere shows increased vigilance in response to deviant stimuli
•One brain hemisphere may work as a night watch during sleep in a novel environment

We often experience troubled sleep in a novel environment [ 1 ]. This is called the first-night effect (FNE) in human sleep research and has been regarded as a typical sleep disturbance [ 2–4 ]. Here, we show that the FNE is a manifestation of one hemisphere being more vigilant than the other as a night watch to monitor unfamiliar surroundings during sleep [ 5, 6 ]. Using advanced neuroimaging techniques [ 7, 8 ] as well as polysomnography, we found that the temporary sleep disturbance in the first sleep experimental session involves regional interhemispheric asymmetry of sleep depth [ 9 ]. The interhemispheric asymmetry of sleep depth associated with the FNE was found in the default-mode network (DMN) involved with spontaneous internal thoughts during wakeful rest [ 10, 11 ]. The degree of asymmetry was significantly correlated with the sleep-onset latency, which reflects the degree of difficulty of falling asleep and is a critical measure for the FNE. Furthermore, the hemisphere with reduced sleep depth showed enhanced evoked brain response to deviant external stimuli. Deviant external stimuli detected by the less-sleeping hemisphere caused more arousals and faster behavioral responses than those detected by the other hemisphere. None of these asymmetries were evident during subsequent sleep sessions. These lines of evidence are in accord with the hypothesis that troubled sleep in an unfamiliar environment is an act for survival over an unfamiliar and potentially dangerous environment by keeping one hemisphere partially more vigilant than the other hemisphere as a night watch, which wakes the sleeper up when unfamiliar external signals are detected.

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