ipsvirus 发表于 2016-4-20 10:06:03

Cell host & microbe:解释为何HIV不被免疫系统清除


在一项新的研究中,来自美国北卡罗来纳大学(UNC)医学院和桑福德-伯纳姆-普利贝斯医学探索研究所(Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute, SBP)的研究人员鉴定出人(宿主)蛋白削弱人体对HIV和其他病毒作出的免疫反应。这一发现对改变HIV抗病毒疗法、构建有效的病毒疫苗和开发治疗癌症的新方法产生重要影响。相关研究结果发表在2016年4月13日那期Cell Host & Microbe期刊上,论文标题为“NLRX1 Sequesters STING to Negatively Regulate the Interferon Response, Thereby Facilitating the Replication of HIV-1 and DNA Viruses”。

论文共同通信作者、SBP免疫与发病机制项目主任和教授Sumit Chanda博士说,“我们的发现为HIV研究中的一个极为重要的问题提供重要的见解:为何人体不能对HIV高效地发起免疫反应从而阻止传播呢?这项研究证实宿主蛋白NLRX1是HIV感染所必需的,通过抑制先天性免疫反应而发挥作用。”另一名论文共同通信作者为UNC医学院微生物学与免疫学教授Jenny Ting博士。




尽管HIV是一种单链RNA病毒,但是在感染免疫细胞后,它快速地逆转录为DNA,从而增加免疫细胞的细胞质中发现的HIV DNA水平。水平上升的HIV DNA触发一种被称作STING(干扰素基因的激活剂)的传感分子,从而启动先天性免疫反应。

论文共同第一作者、Ting实验室博士后研究员Haitao Guo博士说,“在此之前,人们并未研究过NLRX1促进HIV感染的机制。我们证实NLRX1直接与STING相互作用,从根本上阻断它与一种被称作TANK结合激酶1(TANK-binding kinase 1, TBK1)的酶相互作用的能力。这种STING-TBK1相互作用是干扰素产生(作为针对水平增加的细胞质HIV DNA作出的反应)和启动这种先天性免疫反应的一个关键步骤。”







ipsvirus 发表于 2016-4-20 10:07:05

NLRX1 Sequesters STING to Negatively Regulate the Interferon Response, Thereby Facilitating the Replication of HIV-1 and DNA Viruses

Haitao Guo1, 13, Renate König2, 3, 13, Meng Deng1, 4, Maximilian Riess3, Jinyao Mo5, Lu Zhang1, Alex Petrucelli1, Sunnie M. Yoh2, Brice Barefoot7, Melissa Samo7, Gregory D. Sempowski7, Aiping Zhang8, Anamaris M. Colberg-Poley8, 9, Hui Feng1, Stanley M. Lemon1, 5, 10, Yong Liu1, 11, Yanping Zhang1, 11, Haitao Wen1, Zhigang Zhang1, Blossom Damania1, 10, Li-Chung Tsao1, Qi Wang1, Lishan Su1, 10, Joseph A. Duncan1, 5, 6, Sumit K. Chanda2, , , Jenny P.-Y. Ting1, 10, 12, ,

•NLRX1 inhibits HIV-1 cDNA-induced innate immune response and enhances HIV-1 infection
•NLRX1 interacts with the DNA-sensing adaptor STING to disrupt STING-TBK1 signaling
•STING deficiency abrogates the enhancement of HIV-1 infection by NLRX1
•Nlrx1−/− mice show enhanced innate immunity and are more resistant to DNA viruses

Understanding the negative regulators of antiviral immune responses will be critical for advancing immune-modulated antiviral strategies. NLRX1, an NLR protein that negatively regulates innate immunity, was previously identified in an unbiased siRNA screen as required for HIV infection. We find that NLRX1 depletion results in impaired nuclear import of HIV-1 DNA in human monocytic cells. Additionally, NLRX1 was observed to reduce type-I interferon (IFN-I) and cytokines in response to HIV-1 reverse-transcribed DNA. NLRX1 sequesters the DNA-sensing adaptor STING from interaction with TANK-binding kinase 1 (TBK1), which is a requisite for IFN-1 induction in response to DNA. NLRX1-deficient cells generate an amplified STING-dependent host response to cytosolic DNA, c-di-GMP, cGAMP, HIV-1, and DNA viruses. Accordingly, Nlrx1−/− mice infected with DNA viruses exhibit enhanced innate immunity and reduced viral load. Thus, NLRX1 is a negative regulator of the host innate immune response to HIV-1 and DNA viruses.

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