ipsvirus 发表于 2016-4-16 15:52:30

Cell host & microbe:人类巨细胞病毒和自身免疫性疾病有关联

一个由中国科学家做的研究把鲜为人知的病毒和自身免疫性疾病关联起来。该工作刊载在Cell Host & Microbe。
有增加的证据把CMV和自身免疫性疾病关联起来,虽然科学家已研究它多时,CMV在自身免疫性疾病的角色如其名而不为人知。这项研究,由来自中国北京大学的Li Zhanguo教授和Yang Guang教授领导,显示CMV如何造成自身免疫性疾病。该研究团队已鉴定了一个叫抗Pp150的抗体,很可能是由CMV所诱发的。抗Pp150认定CMV,然后启动一系列免疫反应以消除病毒。研究员发现,抗Pp150也靶向自然杀手细胞,后者保护人体免于肿瘤和病毒,当自然杀手细胞被抗Pp150包裹时,前者会被我们自己的免疫系统攻击和销毁。

Li 和 Yang 的工作是重要的,来自卡罗林学院的Cecilia Soderberg-Naucler 在一篇评论文章里说:“这项工作也为研究CMV和癌症间的链接开了路,”CMV感染在90到100百分比的淋巴瘤,脑肿瘤,成神经细胞瘤,恶性肿瘤和乳癌,结肠癌及前列腺癌存在。

ipsvirus 发表于 2016-4-16 15:54:03

A Cytomegalovirus Peptide-Specific Antibody Alters Natural Killer Cell Homeostasis and Is Shared in Several Autoimmune Diseases

Yu Liu1, 2, 7, Rong Mu3, 7, Ya-Ping Gao1, 2, 7, Jie Dong1, Lei Zhu3, Yuyuan Ma4, Yu-Hui Li3, He-Qiu Zhang1, Dong Han1, 2, Yu Zhang5, Iain B. McInnes6, Jingang Zhang4, Beifen Shen1, 2, Guang Yang1, 2, , , Zhan-Guo Li3, ,

•An antibody against the hCMV Pp150 protein is shared in patients with autoimmune diseases
•Anti-Pp150 recognizes CIP2A on CD56bright NK cells and induces cell death
•The percentage of circulating CD56bright NK cells is reduced in autoimmune disease patients
•CD56bright NK cell number is negatively correlated with anti-Pp150 levels

Human cytomegalovirus (hCMV), a ubiquitous beta-herpesvirus, has been associated with several autoimmune diseases. However, the direct role of hCMV in inducing autoimmune disorders remains unclear. Here we report the identification of an autoantibody that recognizes a group of peptides with a conserved motif matching the Pp150 protein of hCMV (anti-Pp150) and is shared among patients with various autoimmune diseases. Anti-Pp150 also recognizes the single-pass membrane protein CIP2A and induces the death of CD56bright NK cells, a natural killer cell subset whose expansion is correlated with autoimmune disease. Consistent with this finding, the percentage of circulating CD56bright NK cells is reduced in patients with several autoimmune diseases and negatively correlates with anti-Pp150 concentration. CD56bright NK cell death occurs via both antibody- and complement-dependent cytotoxicity. Our findings reveal that a shared hCMV-induced autoantibody is involved in the decrease of CD56bright NK cells and may thus contribute to the onset of autoimmune disorders.

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